Thursday, April 26, 2012

Soweto on a Sunday in April

As a tour guide you realise that Soweto is like no other in South Africa. You can visit a township in the Cape but is not the making of the new democratic South Africa. Soweto is where it all happened. Passing the Chris Hani ~ Barangwanath Hospital tourist are amazed to hear that this hospital is modern and has performed operations like separating co-joined twins, kidney and heart transplants. To give you an idea of the sheer size, one hundered babies are born here every day! On your right you see the largest taxi rank in the world. Four thousand taxis. Where do you find your taxi you may ask?
Walter Sisulu Freedom Square is where the congress of the people met in 1955 to adopted the Freedom Charter. The ten pillars depict the ten pillars of the charter.
On a Sunday 2,000 people attend the service at the Regina Mundi Church. The church is a landmark in the armed struggle. The singing is beautiful. People harmonise spontaneously.
A visit to Soweto is incomplete without going to Vilikasi Street. Home of two Peace Prize Laureates , Nelson Mandela, and Desmond Tutu. On a Sunday it is awash with local enjoying a meal at Sakumsis.
Having enjoyed this vibrant city you return home.
Freedom Square
 Regina Mundi Choir boys

Sunday @ Sakumsi in Vilikasi Street

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pretoria in April

We went on a Pretoria city tour with the Mauders from Munich on a Saturday in April. What beautiful weather and some interesting things we saw. The large Walter Batis in the Pretoria City Hall is off the beaten track. It depicts the wild life around Pretoria. Church Square was its usual vibrant self on a Saturday. At the Union Buildings looking up at the war memorial and seeing one of the twin gods of war, Castor or Pollock, I was struck by the indigo blue South African sky.